Aloha Tower

Honolulu Harbor, O'ahu
April 2001

All Photos © Tim N. Touchton

We went to the Aloha Tower simply because we kept driving by it, I had information
on it I got off the Internet and because it used to be the tallest man made structure in
the Hawaiian Islands. This weekend that we were there it was the 75th Anniversary of
the tower. We took the elevator ride to the lookout. It was a nice little side trip.

It does say, "Aloha" at the top
above the clock.

From the observation deck looking out towards Waikiki in the distance middle.
You can see the masts of the large vessel, below to the right, "The Falls of Clyde".
Along the waterfront the water is beautiful. I think about the harbor water in Mobile
and around Mobile and it's very ugly and dirty and not at all like it is here. You can
even see gorgeous tropical fish swimming around the reefs in the water by the ship.

It was built in 1926 and stands about 184 feet high and was the tallest building
in the Hawaiian Islands until the 1960's. There are two clocks on the tower with
one facing the harbor and one facing the island. Between each clock and the
balcony the word "Aloha" is etched in so you can see it for miles. You can take
an elevator to the tenth floor observation deck. The observation deck is open from
9am until sunset and the admission is free. It is located in Honolulu Harbor just 10 minutes
from Waikiki off Nimitz Highway on Aloha Tower Drive.

Here's the harbor side view from the Aloha Tower observation deck.

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